Is peas good for breakfast?

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Is peas good for breakfast? 

In this article ,we will answer the question '' Is peas good for breakfast? ''We will also discuss available seeds for planting and their characteristics. The current studies have shown that proteins sourced from plant could keep people full and satisfied longer compared to those sourced from animals. The veggie-based proteins also has an advantage of weight loss. Examples of these plant based proteins are ; Cowpeas  and Peas. Peas is gaining interest in many homes on how it is been utilized. As you leave your home for work  ,peas is a great idea to begin your day. 

How do i prepare it ? 

you can add it to your breakfast recipes,salads and even snacks . 

Are there any other health benefits of eating peas? 

Green peas are known for their many health benefits which include;

1. Weight loss 

2. Improving heart health 

3. Rich in fibre among other benefits which makes them great for digestive system .

What varieties available for the peas ? 

At simlaw , we have peas plum , Green feast and Kelvedon commonly known as Kigondoro. These varieties are tolerant to mildews and gives high yield of about 10 bags of 90kg after planting 14kg per acre at a spacing 30 cm x Drill. 


  • Is an hybrid climber  variety which is very common in most of the peas growing areas in Kenya.
  • It is suitable in high altitude areas.
  • It is preferred for their fresh purpose ; cooks fast and good taste.
  • It takes 55-60 days to mature .

Peas plum 

  • It is a dual purpose dwarf variety which does well in medium to high altitudes 
  • it can be utilized when resh and dry 
  • It is matures in 65-70 days 

Green Feast 

  • This is a dual purpose climbing variety 
  • Preferred for medium and highland areas 
  • Fast maturity of 55-60 days . 

In this brief article we have  answered the question '' Is peas good for breakfast? ''We have also discussed available seeds for planting and their characteristics.

Hope you find this guide useful. we would love to hear your feedback.

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