H 6213 2kg

Product code # 120010062


Availability: Out Of Stock

Brand: Kenya Seeds

Unit: PKT


Seller Guarantees

- Recommended Rainfall -800 –1500 mm
- Matures at 160-210 days
- Tolerant to lodging, ear rot, rust, Grey Leaf Spot and leaf blight.
- Yield (90KG bag/ Acre) 52
- Recommended growing areas for highland hybrids grown particularly in Trans-Nzoia, Uasin-Gishu, Nakuru, Laikipia, Kisii, Narok, Bungoma, Kakamega, Nandi, and Kericho. Tea zones of central Kenya. Nyahururu, Southern Highlands of Tanzania, Mt. Elgon slopes. Bungoma, Slopes of Mt. Kenya Bomet, Nyeri, Kiambu and Meru tea zones

Planting Guide

H 6213 2kg
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Product ID # 44

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